Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Blog! I Blog Now!!

So here I am... Blogging. The title of my first blog brings to mind a scene in the film, "What About Bob." You may recall the scene where Bob is strapped to the mast of a sailboat calling out,  "Isn't this a breakthrough, that I'm a sailor? I sail? I sail now?" 

I don't know if this is a breakthrough but here I go. This came about by suggestion of my son Aaron. Thanks Aaron.

I am a member of many things: a family, a country, a workforce, a group of friends and a church. But the first and most significant thing about me is that I have been made a son of God through Jesus my Savior. I am a part of God's family now. 

I am a work in process and that is what this blog is about: God changing my life and the lives of others. It is about the ordinary encountering the extraordinary. 

My hope is that we will all find some encouragement as we strap ourselves to God's mast and see where He will take us... despite our doubts, fears and inhibitions.